What to expect in your intro lesson
Hi there! I’m so glad you’re here. “What do trans voice lessons look like?” I get this question a lot. Don’t worry, here’s what you can expect.
We’ll start out by talking about and reviewing your goals and aspirations. I may ask you some questions about yourself and your lifestyle and what you would like your target voice to sound like. It can be helpful to have some vocal models such as celebrities, voice actors, and people from your life to refer to.
Then we’ll talk about the basics: breathing and alignment. I will walk you through the different types of breathing and what they’re used for. Then we’ll do a body mapping exercise to put your body in alignment for optimal voice use.
I will then walk you through the different methods we use to train your voice. It will be up to you what you would like to do, but you can change your mind at any point.
I will then walk you through my “Speaking Voice Crash Course” which will summarize the different aspects of speech we will be targeting. At the conclusion of the lesson, we will make a plan for how to move forward.
After the lesson, you can expect an email from me detailing what we covered and what happens next.